The 12 Principles Integrated with AA 12 Steps

This program is offered to a participant who:

  • has completed an 8-Week class of Attitudinal Healing or attended a workshop
  • has attended 12 Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous/Al-Anon meetings for at least a year
  • has a desire to deepen their spiritual growth using these resources.

Group meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays of each month from 10 AM to 12 PM.

This co-ed group bridges resources in recovery through study, discussion, and application of the 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing along with the 12 Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous. We discover, as we recover a deeper sense of our spiritual selves, true peace through love and forgiveness. This self-awareness takes our hearts deeper and our minds a step higher towards healing peace which builds a safe fellowship of trust among participants.

By bridging resources, we connect and expand our access to the tools that allow deeper meaning and progression to unfold in our lives.

There is a higher level of commitment among participants in this group who understand the importance of this fellowship and study. Participants come prepared with the text and curriculum for each meeting and are willing to explore deeper how to apply these principles and steps in their lives.

Each month there is a discussion of an Attitudinal Healing Principle and the AA Steps that support it. Participants share how they practice these recovery tools together in their lives. With this sharing and support, they experience the healing power of love, forgiveness, and oneness.

Click Contact Us for more information.