Choose Again 6-Step Group

This group is led by a facilitator trained in Attitudinal Healing and the Choose Again 6-Step Process as they correlate to the teachings of A Course in Miracles. This group meets twice a month on the second and fourth Thursday evenings at 7 PM.

Using Diederik Wolsak’s Choose Again 6-Step Process, we will help participants cultivate a deeper self-awareness, acknowledge and examine upsets or grievances, uncover hidden ego belief patterns, and accept self-forgiveness. This process leads to a newfound sense of freedom by releasing the false ego identity allowing you to embrace your true Self as a source of divine love.

Our thoughts create the experience of our reality and are chosen by our underlying core belief system. When we are over identified with our ego’s false identity, we unconsciously believe in a diminished and limited version of ourselves.

If you want to experience a different reality, you must change your mind about who you think you are and where you think your worth comes from. The Choose Again 6-Step Process is a way out of the treacherous fear-based stories we tell ourselves, and it opens a path to freedom, self-compassion, and love-based living.

Newcomers are required to go through a brief orientation prior to their first meeting.

Contact Us for more information.